The Best Swagger Online Courses

Banner Image The Best Swagger Online Courses

Hey there, fellow lifelong learners! As someone who’s constantly on the lookout for new ways to upskill and grow in both my career and personal life, I absolutely can’t get enough of online courses. But today, we’re going to chat about a specific type of online courses that has been gaining some serious traction lately: Swagger courses. Are you as excited as I am to figure out what these are all about? I sure hope so, because we’ll be diving in deep.

Now, before you imagine a course that teaches you how to walk with confidence, let’s get one thing straight: Swagger, in this case, refers to an open-source software framework that helps developers design, build, and document APIs. I know, it sounds like a whole new world, and it can be intimidating at first! But fear not, because we have gathered the best Swagger online courses to help you jump into this area with ease, no matter your experience level. So, grab your cup of coffee and settle in for a thrilling ride through the world of Swagger. It’s going to be a blast!

Swagger Courses – Table of Contents

  1. OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools – Zero To Master
  2. OpenAPI: Beginner to Guru
  3. The Ultimate Swagger Tools Course: Build OpenAPI with Ease
  4. Learn Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification
  5. Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing
  6. REST API Design, Development & Management
  7. OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification for Software Developers
  8. NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger

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OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools – Zero To Master

Course Preview OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools - Zero To Master


4.6 out of 5

Ready to become an OpenAPI Specification and Swagger Tools master? This extensive course will lead you through everything you need to know to design and document APIs using OpenAPI Specifications and Swagger Tools. You’ll gain an understanding of the history of OpenAPI and Swagger, as well as the essential tools like Swagger Editor, Swagger UI, Swagger Inspector, Swagger Hub, and Swagger Codegen.

Dive into the world of OpenAPI by learning how to write valid OpenAPI documents using YAML syntax, create reusable content with components, and explore supported data types. Discover inheritance and polymorphism concepts with keywords like oneOf, anyOf, allOf, and not. You’ll also become an expert at describing API security, mocking APIs with Prism mock server, generating client code and server stubs for various popular programming languages and frameworks, deploying and hosting Open API specifications on GitHub pages with Swagger UI, and providing example data for your APIs. Plus, enhance your documentation skills using CommonMark syntax within Open API specification. This course is your one-stop guide to mastering OpenAPI Specification and Swagger tools!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Design and document APIs with OpenAPI Specifications and Swagger Tools
  2. Understand the history and relationship between OpenAPI and Swagger
  3. Utilize Swagger tools such as Editor, UI, Inspector, Hub, and Codegen
  4. Create valid OpenAPI documents using YAML syntax and reusable components
  5. Implement inheritance and polymorphism with oneOf, anyOf, allOf, and not keywords
  6. Describe API security within OpenAPI specifications
  7. Generate client code and server stubs for various programming languages and frameworks
  8. Provide better documentation using CommonMark syntax within OpenAPI specifications

OpenAPI: Beginner to Guru

Course Preview OpenAPI: Beginner to Guru


4.5 out of 5

Dive into the world of OpenAPI 3.0, the leading tool for API documentation, with its well-established roots tracing back to Swagger. In this comprehensive course, you’ll explore the depths of OpenAPI specification, which serves as the foundation for a wide range of open-source tools such as converters, validators, mock servers, and more. Master the art of writing OpenAPI specifications using Swagger Hub, while creating documentation for a complete RESTful web service.

Starting with the basics of API and HTTP protocols, this course will also teach you how to define API paths and operations, create robust objects with JSON schema constraints, generate source code with OpenAPI Code Gen, and much more through practical assignments and hands-on examples. As a bonus, enroll in the course and gain access to an exclusive Slack community, where you can seek help and connect with fellow learners and gurus from around the world. With lifetime access, closed captioning in English, PDF downloads, and a 30-day money-back guarantee, there’s no reason to wait. Enroll today and master OpenAPI for your RESTful APIs!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Edit an OpenAPI specification in Swagger Hub
  2. Define API paths and operations
  3. Create robust objects with JSON schema constraints
  4. Improve the quality of specifications with reusable components
  5. Define query and path parameters
  6. Define GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE operations
  7. Create API security schemes
  8. Generate source code and documentation with OpenAPI Code Gen and ReDoc

The Ultimate Swagger Tools Course: Build OpenAPI with Ease

Course Preview The Ultimate Swagger Tools Course: Build OpenAPI with Ease


4.5 out of 5

Are you ready to master API development with Swagger, one of the most widely used tools in the industry? Join instructor Praveen in this comprehensive course designed for web developers, software engineers, technical leads, and software architects. You’ll gain essential skills and knowledge needed to work with OpenAPI (Swagger) standards and create APIs with ease.

Throughout the course, you’ll learn how to utilize various Swagger tools like Swagger Editor, Swagger UI, Swagger Codegen, Swagger Inspector, and SwaggerHub. You’ll build a new OpenAPI Specification from scratch and practice using Swagger tools to document, generate server and client code, test generated codes, and collaborate with team members on any OpenAPI Specification project. By the end of this course, you’ll confidently be able to apply the tips and techniques covered to your next OpenAPI project. Enroll now and enjoy lifetime access, personalized support, a Udemy certificate of completion, and a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Understanding Swagger Tools and their types
  2. Mastering Swagger Editor and Swagger UI for creating OpenAPI Specifications
  3. Using Swagger Codegen for server stub and client SDK generation
  4. Publishing and collaborating on APIs through SwaggerHub
  5. Building a new OpenAPI Specification using Swagger Tools
  6. Testing APIs with Swagger Inspector
  7. Following best practices for SwaggerHub usage
  8. Gaining exposure to real-world projects through hands-on practice activities

Learn Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification

Course Preview Learn Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification


4.4 out of 5

Ready to dive into the world of OpenAPI Specification (OAS) and Swagger? This course is designed for people in the software industry who may not be software developers but have a technical background, such as project managers, API product managers, and technical writers. You’ll need a basic understanding of REST and JSON, but apart from that, this course is perfect for beginners!

Throughout the course, you’ll explore a variety of topics, including the uses of OAS files, the YAML file format, creating an OAS file, specifying security, adding documentation, and writing an OAS file in JSON. Additionally, you’ll be introduced to alternatives to Swagger and OAS. The course combines both lectures and hands-on exercises, with 8 practical activities to help you create your own API definition file. Expect to spend at least 4 hours on these insightful exercises. Please note that this course focuses on OAS 2; however, a lecture on the differences between OAS 2 and the newer OAS 3 is provided.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Creating and understanding OpenAPI Specification (OAS) files
  2. Basics of the YAML file format
  3. Specifying security measures in OAS files
  4. Adding documentation to OAS files
  5. Writing OAS files in JSON format
  6. Exploring alternatives to Swagger and OAS
  7. Hands-on experience with API definition files
  8. Transitioning between OAS 2 and OAS 3 versions

Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing

Course Preview Postman: The Complete Guide - REST API Testing


4.6 out of 5

Dive into the world of RESTful APIs with this comprehensive online course designed to teach you how to utilize Postman to its fullest potential. Postman is an indispensable tool that simplifies API testing and development by allowing the creation, submission, and evaluation of requests with various HTTP methods, parameters, and authentication mechanisms. This course is perfect for testing engineers, software developers, or anyone in a technical position looking to expand their skillset with Postman knowledge.

The course is thoughtfully structured, beginning with an exploration of Postman’s features and progressing to writing API tests that can be integrated into a Continuous Integration (CI) server for regular, automated testing. But what sets this course apart is its dedication to addressing individual needs and questions. The second part of the course will include user Q&A, tackling problems not yet covered or that may be specific to certain use cases. By the end of this course, you’ll be a true Postman pro, equipped with the skills to deal with authentication mechanisms, write API tests, organize tests into shareable collections, and run API tests in Jenkins or any other CI server. So, if you’re excited to learn Postman, join the course today and start your journey to mastering this powerful tool.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Understanding and using HTTP request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
  2. Working with JSON format in API requests and responses
  3. Creating and managing simple to complex API requests
  4. Implementing various authentication/authorization mechanisms (Basic Auth, API Keys, OAuth)
  5. Writing and executing API tests
  6. Organizing and sharing test collections with team members
  7. Integrating and running API tests in Jenkins or other CI servers
  8. Addressing specific user questions and expanding knowledge on unique scenarios

REST API Design, Development & Management

Course Preview REST API Design, Development & Management


4.4 out of 5

So, this course is all about designing REST APIs and focuses on proven patterns rather than the coding aspect of it. The author (Raj) has extensive experience working with large organizations and has analyzed numerous successful API providers (including Facebook, Expedia, and Capital One) to create a collection of best practices and design patterns. Keep in mind, this course isn’t the right fit if your goal is solely to learn the coding part of REST APIs.

The course itself is divided into six parts, covering everything from setting the stage with a case study to designing, securing, implementing and managing the REST API. You’ll learn about best practices, common security attacks, the role of API management, and even get a hands-on look at platforms like APIgee, IBM API Connect, and Mulesoft. This course is perfect for technologists interested in a comprehensive understanding of REST APIs beyond just coding. Just make sure you’re familiar with at least one programming language, web application architecture, and data formats such as JSON and XML. Happy learning!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Understanding foundational concepts of REST API and its evolution
  2. Designing REST API with best practices and implementation patterns
  3. Implementing security measures to protect REST API from common attacks
  4. Writing Swagger 2.0/Open API Initiative specifications for REST API
  5. Managing APIs using APIgee, IBM API Connect, and Mulesoft platforms
  6. Applying best practices throughout the API lifecycle for better adoption
  7. Developing new channels for partnership, revenue streams, and brand promotion
  8. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of web application architecture and services

OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification for Software Developers

Course Preview OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification for Software Developers


4.4 out of 5

Looking for a comprehensive course focused on teaching the OpenAPI specification to define RESTful APIs? Look no further! This online course, taught by Praveen, a seasoned instructor with over a decade of experience in the .NET technology field, will guide you step by step in creating a new OpenAPI specification from scratch.

Covering essential topics like the structure of OpenAPI Specification, differences between Swagger and OpenAPI, and practice assignments to solidify your learning, this course is perfect for developers working with APIs. Packed with valuable downloadable PDFs such as the OpenAPI Structure mindmap, Quick Guide, and HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet, this course can cater to anyone with basic knowledge of RESTful web services and JSON. Enroll now to gain lifetime access to the course, personalized support, and a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Overview and understanding of OpenAPI
  2. Mastering the structure of OpenAPI Specifications
  3. Creating an OpenAPI document from scratch
  4. Familiarizing with downloadable PDF resources, including guides and cheat sheets
  5. Differentiating between Swagger and OpenAPI
  6. Completing practice assignments to apply learnings
  7. Understanding any OpenAPI Specification document
  8. Basics of working with RESTful web services and JSON

NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger

Course Preview NodeJS Express Full Stack Bootcamp 2023 w/ testing, swagger


4.5 out of 5

Ready to dive into the world of Full Stack development? Look no further! This NodeJS Bootcamp is filled with 94 videos and nearly 24 hours of content that’ll take you through mastering both frontend and backend development. Throughout the course, you’ll work on a complete bookstore project using NodeJS, ExpressJs, and the Node Design Pattern (Server/Listener/Router). Plus, you’ll learn the importance of modularizing your application for reusability, extensibility, and easier testing.

Some key aspects of the course include securing your application with bcrypt and JSON Web Tokens for user authorization, managing your data with MongoDB and Mongoose, and setting up an efficient CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. This course boasts its thorough testing practices, like API testing with Postman and frontend testing with Selenium, ensuring a solid and well-tested codebase. As you progress, you’ll also create comprehensive documentation for your backend utilizing Swagger tools. While beginner-friendly, having some JavaScript experience is preferred since the course uses ES6 syntax. So, if you’re eager to ditch monolith applications and embrace Full Stack development, this is the perfect course to catapult your skills to the next level.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Master Full Stack development with NodeJS, ExpressJs, and Node Design Pattern (Server/Listener/Router).
  2. Implement bcrypt for password encryption and JSON Web Token for user authorization.
  3. Perform CRUD operations on MongoDB using Mongoose for schema functionality, validation, and normalization.
  4. Utilize Jenkins for CI/CD and ensuring a well-tested and solid codebase.
  5. Generate and maintain API documentation with Swagger.
  6. Conduct frontend and backend testing using Jest Testing framework and Postman for integration tests.
  7. Implement automated Selenium tests for the frontend with visual debugging.
  8. Develop a solid foundation in JavaScript and ES6 syntax for better coding and application development.

In conclusion, it’s crystal clear that investing time in Swagger online courses will enhance your skills in API design and documentation – an invaluable asset for developers, product managers, and technical writers. Furthermore, these courses can cater to all levels of expertise, meaning that there is something for everyone to learn, no matter where they’re starting from.

So why not dive in and explore the possibilities that Swagger has to offer? With these online courses at your fingertips, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving industry. And who knows – the knowledge you gain here could very well be the key to your next great project or career move. Don’t hesitate, level up with Swagger today!
