The Best Rxswift Online Courses

Banner Image The Best Rxswift Online Courses

Are you looking to dive into the world of RxSwift, but feeling a tad overwhelmed by the abundance of material out there? Trust me, you’re not alone. Learning a new programming framework can feel like a daunting task, especially when it comes with a completely new paradigm under the hood. That’s why picking the right RxSwift online course is essential in making your learning experience a breeze and bringing you up to speed in no time. In this blog post, we’ll make the search much more manageable, so you can cut to the chase and start mastering those reactive programming skills!

Before exploring the best courses out there, let’s just take a step back and briefly address the basics. What exactly is RxSwift, and why should you care? Put simply, it’s a reactive programming library for iOS, inspired by the increasingly popular ReactiveX programming API. The cool thing about RxSwift is that it can greatly simplify and streamline your code, making it more efficient and maintainable in the long run. And with the ever-growing demand for high-quality, user-pleasing mobile apps, RxSwift expertise is becoming a non-negotiable skill for many developers. So, are you ready to find the perfect RxSwift online course tailored to your needs? Let’s jump right in!

Rxswift Courses – Table of Contents

  1. RxSwift & RxCocoa with X Code 10 & Swift 4.2
  2. RxSwift and RxCocoa Hands-On
  3. Reactive Programming in iOS with RxSwift
  4. iOS & Swift – MVVM, Combine, SnapKit, Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests
  5. iOS & Swift: Become An App Developer
  6. RxSwift/RxCocoa: Programación reactiva y funcional en iOS
  7. Swift 5 Tips Tricks and Techniques
  8. Complete Guide to Swift Programming

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RxSwift & RxCocoa with X Code 10 & Swift 4.2

Course Preview RxSwift & RxCocoa with X Code 10 & Swift 4.2


4.5 out of 5

I’ve got some exciting news for you. There’s an online course on Rx or Reactive Extensions, focusing on using it with Swift language. You might be wondering why this is so cool, right? Well, the best part about Rx is that it’s available for many languages like RxSwift, RxJS, RxJava, RxKotlin, and RxAndroid, which means you don’t have to be tied to just the Apple Ecosystem. Learning Rx lets you quickly adapt to other platforms, making you even more versatile when it comes to creating your apps.

This course, which includes a limited time deep discount using the code “AUTHOR,” will teach you RxSwift, and the knowledge you’ll gain here will help you easily navigate to other languages in the Rx family. Plus, if you’re working on a team with other Rx developers, knowing RxSwift can be a huge advantage. So, don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to upgrade your skills and become a more proficient developer who’s all set to embrace different platforms!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Mastering Reactive Extensions (Rx) concepts
  2. Understanding RxSwift for Apple Ecosystem
  3. Collaborating effectively with other Rx developers
  4. Learning how to use RxSwift in frontend and backend development
  5. Streamlining cross-platform app development
  6. Expanding skills to other Rx languages (RxJS, RxJava, RxKotlin, RxAndroid)
  7. Accelerating app development process using Rx
  8. Enhancing code readability and maintenance with RxSwift

RxSwift and RxCocoa Hands-On

Course Preview RxSwift and RxCocoa Hands-On


4.3 out of 5

Reactive programming has emerged as a solution to the challenges developers face with growing numbers of internet users and evolving technology. This online course focuses on the RxSwift and RxCocoa frameworks to help beginners and experienced devs alike get a grasp on the reactive programming mindset. Throughout the course, you’ll learn about observables and observers, subjects and traits, operators, error handling, debugging, and schedulers.

Designed for those new to reactive programming or looking to refresh their RxSwift and RxCocoa knowledge, this course explores the reasoning behind adopting a reactive approach to app development. To participate, you’ll need a Mac with Xcode installed, CocoaPods, and prior knowledge of Swift programming language. To maximize your learning experience, it is recommended to practice the steps described in the lectures, ask questions in the Q&A section, and seek online resources for additional clarification when needed.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Understanding the reactive mindset and concepts of observables and observers
  2. Learning about subjects and traits
  3. Mastering operators, including filter, transform, and combining
  4. Handling errors and effective debugging techniques
  5. Exploring schedulers in reactive programming
  6. Gaining hands-on experience with RxSwift and RxCocoa frameworks
  7. Understanding the benefits and reasons for adopting reactive programming
  8. Creating a reactive iOS app using Xcode and CocoaPods

Reactive Programming in iOS with RxSwift

Course Preview Reactive Programming in iOS with RxSwift


4.1 out of 5

Developing an outstanding app today involves writing complex asynchronous and concurrent code that can handle a multitude of tasks simultaneously. To make this process easier, Reactive Programming and Reactive Extensions are essential tools. These extensions for Swift and iOS help create asynchronous and concurrent code that is not only easy to understand but also efficient and adaptable.

The course, led by Scott Gardner, an experienced iOS app developer and RxSwift expert, will guide you through the world of Reactive Extensions for Swift and Cocoa Touch. With a focus on both concepts and practical application, Scott will show you how to effectively utilize reactive extensions in your iOS app projects, making your coding experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Writing asynchronous and concurrent code
  2. Utilizing Reactive Programming principles
  3. Implementing Reactive Extensions to improve code
  4. Focusing on RxSwift and its applications
  5. Enhancing Cocoa Touch usability
  6. Understanding and applying reactive concepts
  7. Effectively integrating reactive extensions in iOS apps
  8. Staying current with latest RxSwift updates and practices

iOS & Swift – MVVM, Combine, SnapKit, Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests

Course Preview iOS & Swift - MVVM, Combine, SnapKit, Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests


4.8 out of 5

Welcome to the iOS and Swift course, focusing on MVVM, Combine, SnapKit, Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests! This course is designed to share the knowledge and experience of a professional iOS developer with 6 years under their belt, providing insights into the industry-relevant topics of today. Expect to dive into concepts such as protocol orientated programming, reactive programming, the MVVM architecture and why it’s preferable to MVC, coding views programmatically without storyboards using SnapKit, and writing various types of tests such as unit, snapshot, and UI tests.

Throughout the course, you’ll be guided step by step through the creation of a simple Tip Calculator application, which will serve as a practical demonstration of the concepts being taught. The course is ideal for developers with around 3 years of experience, looking to level up their skills and meet the expectations placed on senior iOS developers. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills to debug issues quickly, maintain high-quality coding standards, tackle tech debts, and keep your sanity as your app grows over time. So, if you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, this course is for you!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Master protocol-oriented programming
  2. Learn reactive programming
  3. Understand MVVM architecture and its benefits
  4. Code views programmatically using SnapKit
  5. Write effective unit tests
  6. Implement snapshot tests
  7. Create and execute UI tests
  8. Maintain high-quality coding standards and best practices

iOS & Swift: Become An App Developer

Course Preview iOS & Swift: Become An App Developer


4.4 out of 5

Welcome to an amazing iOS development course designed to feel like an in-person coding bootcamp! With over 88 hours of content and no prior coding experience required, this comprehensive course will guide you through the journey of building cutting-edge apps and becoming a top-notch iOS developer. Not only will you learn to submit apps to the App Store, but you’ll also gain a deep understanding of programming, basic algorithms, and working fluently with Swift and iOS.

This course is perfect for people who want to build apps, start their own businesses or land a full-time job as a developer. Plus, it’s great for students, teenagers, and anyone who wants to make money building apps. You’ll dive into Swift, Xcode, Interface Builder, Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Core Data, ARKit, CoreML, and so much more. After mastering the foundational iOS and Swift principles, you can take on advanced topics and take your skills to the next level, preparing you for that first job. So, what are you waiting for? Jump in and join the free live community to start asking questions and getting on the path to becoming an amazing iOS developer!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Swift programming and foundational principles
  2. Creating and submitting apps to the App Store
  3. Working with Xcode and Interface Builder
  4. Implementing Firebase and Cloud Firestore
  5. Core Data and API integration
  6. ARKit and CoreML for augmented reality and machine learning
  7. SiriKit and ReplayKit functionality
  8. Advanced topics like protocol-oriented programming and reactive programming in Swift

RxSwift/RxCocoa: Programación reactiva y funcional en iOS

Course Preview RxSwift/RxCocoa: Programación reactiva y funcional en iOS


4.1 out of 5

Este curso en línea podría ser perfecto para ti si te encuentras en alguna de estas situaciones: trabajas en una compañía donde utilizan RxSwift/RxCocoa en sus proyectos, buscas una herramienta eficiente y limpia para implementar código reactivo y funcional en tus proyectos personales, necesitas optimizar una aplicación legacy con mejores técnicas para manejar procesos asincrónicos, quieres estar al día con técnicas avanzadas de programación funcional y reactiva, o simplemente deseas expandir tus conocimientos y aprovechar el poder que ofrece la programación reactiva en tus aplicaciones.

Además, un punto a destacar es que el código fuente de los ejemplos y prácticas realizadas en el curso está disponible para descarga en cada sección. Esto facilita el acceso y entendimiento de los conceptos aprendidos a lo largo del curso y permite a los estudiantes poner en práctica lo aprendido de manera eficiente.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Implementación de RxSwift/RxCocoa en proyectos actuales.
  2. Uso de herramientas limpias y óptimas para programación reactiva y funcional.
  3. Optimización de aplicaciones legacy mediante mejores técnicas de manejo de procesos asincrónicos.
  4. Actualización de aplicaciones con técnicas avanzadas de programación funcional y reactiva.
  5. Incremento de conocimiento en programación reactiva y funcional.
  6. Adquirir poder que Reactive proporciona a las APPs.
  7. Comprensión del código fuente de ejemplos y prácticas realizadas.
  8. Descarga y utilización del código fuente de prácticas en cada sección.

Swift 5 Tips Tricks and Techniques

Course Preview Swift 5 Tips Tricks and Techniques


4.5 out of 5

Looking to get up to speed with Swift 5 and the latest iOS SDKs? This insightful course is designed to help developers navigate the constant changes in Swift language. The primary aim is to help you write better, more efficient code in less time and with less effort. Kickstarting with creating a demo application using SwiftUI, the course moves systematically through each new feature, ensuring you’re always ahead of the curve.

As you progress through the course, you’ll discover fascinating tips, tricks, and best practices to solidify your understanding of Swift and its newest features. SwiftUI, an innovative technology for designing powerful user interfaces across Apple’s devices, gets the spotlight it deserves. You’ll be learning from Philipp Baldauf, a seasoned iOS developer and professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria. By the end of this course, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle contemporary challenges and master the essential changes in Swift 5.

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Write better and more efficient code with Swift 5.
  2. Create a demo application using SwiftUI.
  3. Implement new features in a systematic way.
  4. Combine SwiftUI with UIKit for advanced interfaces.
  5. Employ tips, tricks, and best practices in Swift development.
  6. Understand and utilize Swift UI for designing user interfaces.
  7. Adapt to the latest challenges and changes in Swift 5.
  8. Master key and significant updates in the Swift language.

Complete Guide to Swift Programming

Course Preview Complete Guide to Swift Programming


4.3 out of 5

Ready to level up your Swift programming skills? This online course focuses on honing your understanding of fundamental Swift concepts, language structure, and syntax. You’ll explore how to create custom operators, branching, loops, and even how to tackle compiling errors. As you progress, you’ll delve into the realm of protocol-oriented development, significantly improving your efficiency and empowering you to create more maintainable and reusable code.

Don’t worry, this learning path has you covered with in-depth topics like JSON handling, framework creation, generics, and various iOS app architectures. By the time you finish, you’ll be well-versed in Swift programming and confidently building your own iOS apps! Your mentor throughout this journey, Brent Arnold, is a highly experienced iOS developer with a background in web and mobile technologies, boasting over 40 apps in the App Store. So get ready to embark on an educational and transformative Swift programming adventure!

Skills you’ll learn in this course:

  1. Understand fundamental Swift programming concepts, language structure, and syntax.
  2. Create custom operators with Swift operators, branching, and loops.
  3. Implement the copy-on-write technique.
  4. Work with JSON, web APIs, and custom types.
  5. Create and import frameworks using CocoaPods or Carthage.
  6. Utilize Swift protocols for efficient, maintainable, and reusable code.
  7. Utilize generics to support multiple types without duplication.
  8. Structure complete iOS apps and understand various architecture patterns.

In conclusion, diving into the world of RxSwift through online courses is a fantastic way to expand your skill set and enhance your iOS app development process. The asynchronous nature of RxSwift can lead to cleaner, more maintainable code, and will empower you to tackle complex problems with ease. Moreover, these courses aim to cater to various learner levels, ensuring that anyone can take advantage of RxSwift’s powerful features.

So, whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced developer looking to level up your app development game, there’s a course out there that’s perfect for you. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from experienced instructors who can guide your journey and equip you with invaluable knowledge that will be transformative in your professional career. Take the first step, enroll in an RxSwift online course today, and watch as it transforms your approach to functional-reactive programming in iOS. Happy coding!
